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Armin Ariana

GradDipPsych, MMed, MD, PhD
Founder, Designer, Content Creator

My name is Armin Ariana, and I am an accredited clinical sexologist in Queensland, Australia, with over two decades of experience in medical practice, research and education, including helping individuals and couples improve their sex life and sexual well-being. 

Your Holistic Journey to Sexual Wellness

Your well-being matters. Embrace a holistic approach, addressing the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of your sexual health. Together, we’ll craft a personalised path to your utmost well-being and satisfaction.

Navigating Your Intimate Path

Your concerns matter. Navigate common challenges like low libido, communication barriers, and intimacy issues with expert guidance, bringing harmony and understanding to your relationships.

Unlock Your Potential for Intimate Fulfilment

Your journey towards intimacy matters. Embark on a journey tailored to your desires, where you discover the keys to nurturing personal growth and experiencing a deeply satisfying intimate life.

Discover Pleasure Through Your Lens

Your exploration matters. Dive into the art of sensual self-discovery, uncovering new dimensions of pleasure that resonate uniquely with you, transforming your intimate experiences.

Revitalise Your Passionate Connection

Your lasting happiness matters. Explore strategies to reignite passion and nurture enduring intimacy in your relationships, creating a fulfilling and sustainable bond.

Sad man sitting on the edge of the bed, partner in the background
All about Erectile Dysfunction

ED Causes, Facts, Factor and Keep Firm

Discover strategies for managing premature ejaculation. Learn behavioral techniques, medical treatments, lifestyle changes and communication tips for better sex life.
All about Premature Ejaculation

PE Causes, Factors & time management

Couple discussing ways to reignite passion and desire in a relationship.
All About Libido, Desire & Intimacy

Learn about passion and intimacy

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Recent Blogs

Ignite Your Journey to Enhanced Intimacy, Explore Expert Insights and Transform Your Relationships